Help Us Diversify our Boards

The SSSC is striving to increase the diversity of the boards of its subsidiary organizations. We hope to expand our perspective and breadth of experience by attracting leaders from a broad array of backgrounds. To that end, we are seeking interested and talented community members to populate our for profit and nonprofit boards.

About the SSSC

The SSSC is the sole member of the nonprofit subsidiary organizations (3HO, 3HO Europe, LYF, KRI, Sikhnet, SDI and SDEI). SSSC is also the shareholder of KIIT, our for profit subsidiaries. The SSSC is responsible for appointing board members to these subsidiary boards.

The subsidiary organizations’ Boards of Directors serve as the steward of their respective organization. Each board is responsible for setting the strategic direction, establishing the mission and vision, and developing the goals of the organization. Board members are given detailed training about the role of the boards on which they serve and their duties and responsibilities as board members. In general, the boards’ responsibilities include:

Setting goals.
Appointing and supporting corporate officers.
Ensuring effective planning.
Monitoring and strengthening programs and services.
Ensuring adequate financial resources.
Protecting assets and providing proper financial oversight.
Building a competent board.
Ensuring legal and ethical integrity.
Enhancing the organization’s public standing.

The SSSC and its constituent organizations, listed below, would therefore like to extend an invitation to the Global Sangat to be kept informed and apply for board member positions as they open up.

These organizations are:

Kundalini Research Institute (KRI)
3HO Foundation International (3HO)
3HO Europe
Sikh Dharma International (SDI)
Sikh Dharma Education International (SDEI)
LYF Management LLC (LYF)
KIIT Company, Inc. (KIIT)

The questionnaire below will help us to gauge your interest and understand better ways to communicate board service opportunities to you. This information will help the SSSC develop a database that will be used to keep our community members informed of and connected to our organizations and businesses.

As Board of Director positions opens up, they are posted on the Serve on a Subsidiary Board page on the SSSC website:

In addition, by expressing your interest through this questionnaire, you will be notified and sent an application by email that we will keep on file for when positions become available.

Click here for questionnaire

If you have any questions please contact us at