2024 Special Meetings

  • Wednesday, January 3, 2024 
  • Wednesday, January 10, 2024
  • Wednesday, January 17, 2024
  • Wednesday, January 24, 2024
  • Wednesday, January 31 & February 1, 2024
  • Wednesday, February 7 & Thursday, February 8, 2024
  • Wednesday, February 14 & Thursday, February 15, 2024
  • Wednesday, February 21, 2024
  • Wednesday, February 28, 2024
  • Wednesday, March 13, & Thursday, March 14, 2024
  • Wednesday, March 27, 2024
  • Wednesday, April 3, 2024
  • Wednesday, April 10, 2024
  • Wednesday, April 17, 2024
  • Wednesday, May 1, 2024
  • Thursday, May 2, 2024
  • Wednesday May 8 & Thursday May 9, 2024
  • Monday, May 13, 2024
  • Wednesday, May 15, 2024
  • Wednesday, May 22, 2024
  • Wednesday, May 29, 2024
  • Wednesday, June 5, 2024
  • Thursday June 13- Saturday June 15, 2024 (Face to Face)
  • Wednesday, June 26, 2024
  • Wednesday, July 3, 2024


Wednesday, January 3, 2024 SSSC Regular Meeting


WHEREAS, the SSSC board has determined to add the following list of people as board members to the SDI Board.   

  1. Sukhdev Kaur- Estonia  MPA international 
  2. Kirti Kaur- Research and Medicine 
  3. Charansev Kaur- Marketing International second gen 
  4. Gurutej Singh (KITT Board) Ex SSSC Board Member 
  5. Siri Pritam Kaur- Ex SSSC Board Member 


NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the board membership of Sikh Dharma International be strengthened as proposed, effective immediately upon the approval of this motion. 

The onboarding process does not have to exceed more than 3 weeks starting from the date of the motion’s approval. 





Wednesday, January 24 2024 – SSSC Regular Meeting

Consent Motion 1:

We recommend the appointment of the following candidates to the SDEI board for a two year term:

  • Sat Kartar Singh from Santa Fe, New Mexico
  • Harimandir Kaur Khalsa from Santa Fe, New Mexico
  • Amrit Kaur Khalsa from Herndon, Virginia
  • Dharamjot Kaur Khalsa from Guangdong, China

We recommend the reappointment of the following candidates to the SDEI board for a two year term:

  • Harimandir Singh Khalsa from Santa Cruz, New Mexico
  • Harjinder Ruby Kaur from Toronto, Canada
  • Siri Sant Kaur Khalsa from France

PASSES with no objections, no vote needed on consent motions.


Wednesday, February 14, 2024 – SSSC Regular Meeting


Whereas, it has been requested that the SSSC Board approve an appointment to the position of Secretary General of Sikh Dharma International, and the SSSC Board has carefully considered this matter; and


Whereas, the SSSC Board believes that it is premature to approve an appointment of Prem Kaur Khalsa to the position of Secretary General of Sikh Dharma International until she has had the opportunity to serve SDI and demonstrate the skills necessary for this position; 


IT IS THEREFORE RECOMMENDED that the SDI board create a new Officer position, such as “Acting Secretary General,” which may fulfill all the responsibilities of the Secretary General position in the event that no Secretary General is in place. This position may provide an opportunity for Prem Kaur to gain experience in executing the tasks of the Secretary General and demonstrate her qualifications for the role. 


IT IS THEREFORE RECOMMENDED that the SSSC Board revisit the appointment of a new Secretary General of SDI at such time that Prem Kaur Khalsa has had experience fulfilling these responsibilities and can demonstrate her readiness for the position.


Voting record


Thursday, February 29, 2024 – SSSC Regular Meeting


Motion to Remove and Replace the Board of Directors of KRI 

Whereas the process of adding Board members to the Kundalini Research Institute Board started and finalized. With the recommendations from the Election committee received. (In the Annex of this motion). 

Whereas, it has been deemed necessary and in the best interests of the SSS Corporation to reconstitute the Board of Directors to align with the strategic direction and governance needs of the Member; 

Now, therefore, be it resolved, that: 

  1. The current members of the Board of Directors, namely Nirvair Singh, Guru Sahai Singh, Gurucharan Singh, Gurujiwan Kaur, Dashmesh Kaur, Raj Karam Singh, and Joanna Dunbar, are hereby removed from their positions on the Board, effective immediately upon the adoption of this motion.  
  1. A letter of appreciation of the work the board members have done for the KRI will be sent along with the information on the changes. 
  1. We recommend adding Nirvair Singh and Gurucharan Singh to the Council of Advisors of the KRI Board to ensure a proper transition  
  1. The following individuals are hereby appointed as the new members of the Board of Directors of KRI: 
  1. Harimandir Kaur (Albuquerque) b. Sat Kartar Singh (Albuquerque) c. Dharam Dev Kaur (California) d. Jaap Kaur (Phoenix) e. Nam Nidhan Kaur – (Chile) f. Nam Kaur (Santa Barbara) g. Amanjiwan Kaur
  1. The newly appointed Board members shall assume their roles immediately upon the removal of the current Board members.  

Be it further resolved that all necessary actions and formalities required to effectuate this transition shall be duly carried out by the appropriate officers of the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation. 


voting record


Wednesday, March 13, 2024 – SSSC Regular Meeting

Motion 1-

Whereas the SSSC board and its committees and the KRI board and management were involved

in a collaborative process to find new members for the KRI board known as the Basee process.

Whereas on February 29, 2024 the SSSC Board interrupted the aforementioned Basee process

before it had been completed and passed a Motion to remove all of what were the current KRI

Board members and replace them with all new board members.

Whereas the CEO of KRI, Amrit Singh then resigned

Whereas the SSSC board received over 100 emails, many more phone calls, and participated in

two large open meetings with over 300 members of the Global   KRI Aquarian Trainer Academy


Whereas an overwhelming majority of emails and phone calls and ATA voices heard in  the

meetings on March 5th and March 6th requested a collaborative and transparent  process for

all board member appointment decisions.

Whereas the SSSC has not fulfilled this request.

Whereas the Trainers of the ATA directly asked to be told exactly what specific changes the

SSSC Board wanted and then  to work together collaboratively with the SSSC and the KRI Board 

to find solutions.

Whereas the SSSC has not yet provided a clear description of what changes they want to see

implemented and has provided no offer of any collaborative process for considering these


Whereas the ATA trainers who have communicated with the SSSC have almost unanimously

stated that they have completely lost any faith in, or trust in, or respect for the SSSC.

Whereas a large majority of the ATA members who have been in communication with the SSSC 

are currently considering leaving KRI. They are only waiting to see if the SSSC will demonstrate

that they are hearing the concerns and are ready to take corrective action. All of these trainers

are  gifted teachers of the highest caliber who went through many long years of training. They 

have served with love and devotion  by sharing  the Teachings for decades. They are a real

manifestation of the Siri Singh Sahib’s mission to create teachers.   

It is therefore resolved that the SSSC take the following actions:

  1. Consider and respond to all of the communications it has received around this topic
  2. Re-appoint all of the KRI board members who were removed on 2/29,
  3. Stop the onboarding process and put on hold all of the new board members who were

appointed on 2/29 until the Basee process has been completed

  1. Resume and complete the collaborative Basee process of determining the direction of

Kri and the best board composition for KRI.

  1. Request Amrit Singh to reconsider his resignation from KRI
  2. Develop a detailed specific and complete list of all the concerns some SSSC Board

members have relating to KRI and enter into a mutually respectful dialogue with KRI

about how these changes might be achieved.


MSS Guru Raj Kaur Khalsa

SS Guru Sangat Singh Khalsa

SS Hari Charn Kaur Khalsa

SS Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa

SS Guru Prem Singh Khalsa

SS Dr. Haridass Kaur Khalsa

voting record


Thursday, April 11, 2024 – SSSC Regular Meeting


Whereas SDEI had requested the SSSC appoint a liaison to interface with the SDEI Board to facilitate communication and provide support and 

Whereas the SSSC desires to facilitate that communication and provide that support to the SDEI Board  and 

Whereas Awtar Singh  has been serving in that  capacity as SSSC representative to SDEI it is therefore 

Resolved that Awtar Singh is formally appointed to be the SSSC representative to SDEI.

voting record



The Board voted to appoint 2 liaisons  to interface with the KRI Board to facilitate communication and provide support. 

Those 2 people are Gurumeet Kaur and Sham Kaur.


voting record


Wednesday, April 18, 2024 – SSSC Regular Meeting


Whereas the SSSC Special Election Process will conflict with the Regular Election process scheduled to begin in September 2024 it is therefore 

Resolved that the SSSC approves the process and communication to the Sangat outlined below regarding the Special Election/Regular Election process for 2024/2025.  

Announcement to Sangat/SSSC Board about 2025 Election Process

The Governance Committee has been in discussions about the next election cycle and any desired and necessary change in process from previous elections.

As you may know, the following SSSC board members have resigned:

As of April 2, 2024

Amrit Singh Khalsa

Guru Raj Kaur Khalsa

Hari Charn Kaur Khalsa

As of April 14, 2024

Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Michaud

Per Section 2.9 (c) of the SSSC bylaws

(c) Special Elections. When the board membership falls below 13 elected trustees, a Special Election will be held to fill all the vacant seats as long as there are 6 or more months remaining before the next regularly scheduled election. The electorate will be determined by the voting policy at the time the special election is held.

If the SSSC were to hold a Special election now, as noted above, it would overlap with our Regular election scheduled for March/April 2025. The SSSC has, therefore, decided to  proceed with 11 board members given that the formal process starts in less than 6 months. We plan to announce the start of the Regular election process beginning in September 2024 and ending with new Board members being seated at the April 2025 Khalsa Council meeting.


voting record

Wednesday, May 1, 2024 – SSSC Regular Meeting


We recommend the appointment of the following candidates to the 3HO Europe board for a two year term:


Harsimar Batth from West Bloomfield, MI

Arezu Kaywanfar from Los Angeles, California

Gobind Singh from Northport, Maine

Fateh Singh from Hamburg, Germany




Wednesday, May 22, 2024 – SSSC Regular Meeting


Motion to approve the social media policy as a consent item.


no vote needed for consent items