The Siri Singh Sahib Corporation (SSSC) is directed by a seventeen-member Board of Trustees. Two of those members, the Bhai Sahiba and the Siri Sikdar Sahiba, are included by virtue of their offices and therefore not elected. The remaining fifteen members are elected according to the Bylaws of the SSSC.
The current members of the Board, having been elected as an Initial Board by the Sangat in May 2012, took office on November 26, 2012, as stipulated in the General Settlement Agreement with the former Unto Infinity (UI) Board.
Eight (8) of the members were elected in the last election. They will serve until Khalsa Council in Fall of 2022:
- SS Guru Amrit Singh Khalsa- Herndon, VA
- SS Avtar Hari Singh Khalsa – NM
- MSS Guru Singh Khalsa – Los Angeles, CA
- SS Dr. Harjot Kaur Singh- Calgary, Canada
- SS Jai Singh Khalsa – Boston, MA
- MSS Krishna Kaur Khalsa- Los Angeles, CA
- SS Siri Pritam Kaur Khalsa – Yuba City, CA
- SS Siri Vishnu Singh Khalsa – Española, NM
The seven (7) members of the SSSC Board whose terms are expiring in Spring of 2020 are:
- SS Gurujodha Singh Khalsa – Bakersfield, CA
- SS Viriam Singh Khalsa – Eugene, OR
- SS Amrit Singh Khalsa – Española, NM
- SS Dharm Singh Khalsa – Española, NM
- SS Gurujot Kaur Khalsa – Eugene, OR
- SS Guru Raj Kaur Khalsa – Vancouver, Canada
- SS Harinam Singh Khalsa – New York City, NY
*Based on his position as the next highest (16th place) vote getter in the initial elections, MJ Amrit Singh Khalsa was appointed to serve the remainder of SS Shanti Kaur Khalsa’s term after her resignation from the Board.
Candidate Eligibility
As specified in the Election Policy, Candidates for the Board shall be nominated by members of the Sangat (i.e. the general public). The process for nomination is described in the Election Calendar section.
All Candidates must meet the following requirements from the Bylaws:
Section 2.6 Qualifications for board membership
To be eligible to serve as an Elected Trustee an individual must:
(a) be a minister of Sikh Dharma International currently in good standing and has been for at least two (2) full years immediately preceding his or her nomination
(b) be a regular donor to one or more of the nonprofit Constituent Corporations (as defined in Section 1.4) and has been for at least two (2) calendar years immediately preceding his or her nomination
(c) be of good character; have never been convicted of or admitted to any felony offense or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude; not represent any threat to the security of the United States or have any foreign interests or status that conflict with the interests of the United States or with any element of the Sikh Dharma/3HO Community and businesses; agree to provide information for a confidential background check; and
(d) not concurrently serve as a voting member of the Board of Directors of any non-profit Constituent Corporation identified on Exhibit A to these Bylaws. In order to comply with this
- (i) A Trustee must either resign or continue as a non-voting member of the Board of Directors of a non- profit Constituent Corporation immediately upon taking office as Trustee,
- (ii) A Trustee may serve in a non-voting capacity on a maximum of two (2) nonprofit Constituent Corporation boards.
- (iii) If applicable, a Trustee serving a non-profit Constituent Corporation in a non-voting capacity may be recused from SSSC votes on issues involving that subject constituent
(e) not be related by blood or marriage (including step-relations) to, or in a domestic partnership with, another Trustee.
2015 Electorate
The Electorate for the SSSC Board is prescribed by a motion of the Board, as follows:
For the 2015 election, the eligible Electorate is:
- Ministers of Sikh Dharma in good standing fourteen (14) days prior to the start of voting, and
- Voters who voted in the Initial Board Election.
For all subsequent elections, the eligible Electorate is only Ministers of Sikh Dharma who are in good
standing ninety (90) days prior to the start of voting.
2015 Election Results
To download and see the official results please click here.