Siri Singh Sahib Corporation Elected Trustees

SS Dr Haridass Kaur Khalsa

SS Guru Sangat Singh Khalsa
Secretary & Treasurer
Herdon, Virginia
Coming soon…

SS Amrit Singh Khalsa
Siri Singh Sahib Corporation Elected Trustees

SS Siri Mukta Singh Khalsa
Espanola, New Mexico USA

SS Ek Ong Kaar Khalsa Michaud
Plano, Texas
SS Ek Ong Kaar Khalsa Michaud began studying Kundalini Yoga at the Guru Ram Das Ashram in Houston, Texas, in 1991. She currently serves as a minister of Sikh Dharma, a member of the International Khalsa Council, a Level 2 teacher of Kundalini Yoga and a Professional Trainer in KRI’s Aquarian Academy. For over 20 years, Ek Ong Kaar Kaur has worked in the various for-profit and not-for-profit offices inspired by the life and teachings of Yogi Bhajan. She is a globally respected researcher of Sikh theology and history, and is most well known for her lyrical translation of Gurbani into English. Ek Ong Kaar Kaur currently lives in Plano, Texas with her husband, Dr. Patrick Michaud.

SS Livtar Singh Khalsa
Roswell, Georgia USA
Siri Singh Sahib Corporation Elected Trustees

SS Hari Charn Kaur Khalsa
Espanola, New Mexico USA

SS Gururaj Kaur Khalsa
Vancouver, British Columbia CANADA

SS Hari Nam Singh Khalsa
Mazatlan, Sinaloa MEXICO

SS Gurumeet Kaur Khalsa
Española, New Mexico
S.S.Gurumeet Kaur Khalsa, ERYT 500, is the Director of Create Inner Peace, a Minister of Divinity of Sikh Dharma, and Professional Teacher Trainer of Kundalini Yoga. She has worked closely with Bhai Sahiba Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Khalsa, PhD, the founder of Create Inner Peace, to honor and serve First Responders who daily put themselves in harm’s way to serve and protect us. Teaching for more than 50 years, she specializes in yogic technology to manage stress, heal addictions, recover from traumatic stress and take control of our personal health and wellbeing. Gurumeet sits on the board of the Rise in Love Foundation to support the healing and recovery and restoration of self-autonomy of survivors of human trafficking and other severe trauma, and she has recently joined the board of the Siri Singh Sahib Corporation.

SS Guru Prem Singh Khalsa
Los Angeles, California
Since 1976 Guru Prem Singh has been an active member of the Los Angeles Sangat.
GuruPrem has maintained a practice at the Khalsa Medical Clinic in Beverly Hills, as a teacher, structural, breath, and Yogic Therapist for over 40 years. He was named ‘Posture Master’ by Yogi Bhajan, and is an expert on body awareness in relationship to personal growth. He is a KRI certified Teacher Trainer for over 30 years and has been practicing and teaching Yoga for over 40 years. In addition he does regular workshops for gymnasts and gymnastic coaches. He has served on the Board of Yoga West L.A. for ten years, as well as on the Guru Ram Das Ashram executive committee. He is an active and founding participant in the Share -a-Meal food service program.
He is the author of three books, “The Heart Rules”, “Divine Alignment”, and Everyday Devotion: The Heart of Being. He is also a musician, producer and composer, some of his most popular titles: Tantric Har with Simran Kaur & with Nirinjan Kaur: Humee Hum Brahm Hum & Every Heartbeat is God’s Name to me.

SS Gurushabad Singh Khalsa
Espanola, New Mexico USA

SS Sham Kaur Khalsa
La Paz, Bolivia
Sham Kaur has a degree in Industrial Engineering and an MBA in International Business and Climate Change. She is a specialist in climate change focused in development and forests. She has worked as a consultant for the Latin America & Caribbean region for various United Nations agencies and for the World Bank. She is now leading an environmental services consulting firm in work at the city level to support cities to transform to a more sustainable and carbon-free development path. She is a Kundalini Yoga Certified Teacher and has served on the Global Teachers Council (GTC) and as a Sikh Dharma International Regional Minister Coordinator, supporting the Office of the Secretary of Religion’s work in the Latin American region, working with other regional ministers and sangat leaders to promote a more coordinated effort in moving forward regional projects such as the Latin-American Khalsa Council.

SS Avtar Singh Khalsa
Kansas City, Missouri USA

SS MJ Amrit Singh Khalsa
Española, New Mexico
Siri Singh Sahib Corporation Ex Officio Trustees

Siri Sikdar Sahiba Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur Khalsa
Española, New Mexico
Sardarni Guru Amrit Kaur Khalsa started her career in 1974 developing and building the legacy nonprofits established by the Siri Singh Sahib including 3HO Foundation, Kundalini Research Institute, Sikh Dharma Education International, and Sikh Dharma International. She worked internationally in community development and established with the Siri Singh Sahib the Khalsa model of education for Miri Piri Academy in India. She also supporting the formulation of 3HO events & programs, including Solstices, Khalsa Women’s Training Camp,Khalsa Youth Camp and she helped to standardize the framework for the early stages of the Kundalini Research Institute’s Teachers Training Program by engaging the International body of teachers.
Until 2007 she served on all the Non Profit Legacy Board of Directors. From 1985, for 20 years, she served as Secretary General of Sikh Dharma International and served the leadership body of ministers by developing the agendas for the International & European Khalsa Council meetings. In 2004, at the Siri Singh Sahib’s passing he bestowed upon her the privilege to serve the Sangat as a spiritual guide to bring all to the feet of the Guru. An ordained minister of the Sikh faith since 1977, she holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Comparative Religions.
The Siri Singh Sahib has said about her: “I have never seen a human being with such a perpetual grit that she stood with me through every odd and even like a rock. She has an extremely dependable character and she has a God given gift which I don’t think can be valued in any way. She is absolutely a living rational and logical person and extremely analytical and extremely soothing. Her style is her own. Her life is her own, herself is her own. She is a very rare human being. I not only respect her. I have great reverence for her. She is a very unique person. Her language is her own and it is very joyful and I am very happy and extremely feel very helped that I have all these years of association with her and she is a comrade in hand, friend in the waiting. She is a great healer. She is a real missionary.” Lecture: Los Angeles, California 3/20/1991.

Bhai Sahiba Bibiji Inderjit Kaur
Los Angeles, California
Bibiji Inderjit Kaur Khalsa, PhD, holds the distinguished position of Bhai Sahiba or Chief Religious Minister of Sikh Dharma, and she was the wife of Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji for 52 years. To Sikhs around the globe, she is a revered “mother” and honored as an ambassador of good will and a harbinger of interfaith dialogue among religious leaders. In 2006 she was named the New Mexico Ambassador of Peace by Senator Shannon Robinson. New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson appointed Bibiji as his Representative to India in 2007.
In 2005, Bibiji received the honorific ‘Panth Rattan,’ from Singh Sahib Iqbal Singh of Takhat Sri Patna Sahib. In November of 2004, Bibiji was recognized by the Akal Takhat as the Bhai Sahiba of Sikh Dharma of the Western Hemisphere, a position she has held in the West since 1975. In May of 2004, Bibiji was presented with the Kashi Humanitarian Award by the Kashi Ashram in Florida, and in April she was appointed to the Akal Takhat Religious Advisory Counsel in India.
The Bhai Sahiba is responsible to advise Sikh Dharma on religious matters and promote good relations with the global community. Bibiji has authored a number of books on Sikh educational principals that are used throughout the world, including Living Reality, a question and answer book for Sikh youth, and the Siri Guru Granth Sahib Blessing, an intricate and esoteric description of the rags (musical scales), poetry, and architectural design of the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, the sacred body of Sikh scripture, hymns, and holy verse. Bibiji is sought as a public speaker, lecturer, and teacher at hundreds of seminars worldwide.