One Light Fest – 18-22 dicembre | Camp Geneva, Florida

One Light Fest: Ignite the Light Within

Sprouting from the heart of those who love the lifestyle and practice of Kundalini Yoga, this winter gathering calls you home to the warmth, coziness, and expansive practice of community, the Sadh Sangat.

Rise early each morning for the predawn practice of the Aquarian Sadhana – moving the body and chanting the naam with live musicians. Dwell in the devotional space of Gurdwara and bask in the sacred sound current. Partake in various classes taught by world class teachers and immerse yourself in the healing practice of Sat Nam Rasayan. Elevate your mind and connect with your highest self by participating in a full day of White Tantric Yoga. Nourish the body with delicious, lovingly-prepared vegetarian meals and visit the vendors in the festive bazaar while enjoying evening tea and listening to live music.

We invite you to bask in the precious sunlight as you swim and canoe in the lake, gaze at the stars as you sit around the campfire and give yourself the gift of deep cleansing, elevation, rejuvenation, inspiration and connection with your spirit tribe. We warmly welcome you to come together to serve and be served as One Light.

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