Serve on one of our Nonprofit Boards
Below please find the job description and application for board members for each of our nonprofit organizations. We are still working on finalizing the timelines for several of the organizations. Our subsidiary orgs mission range from supporting Kundalini Yoga, to Dharmic teachings, to property management to for profit and nonprofit management. There are a wide range of skills needed so please explore each organization and what is a good fit for you.
If you feel called to serve on one of our nonprofit boards click on the button under each one to learn more.

Kundalini Research Institute
Accepting applications NOW.
April 11 – April 30, 2022

Sikh Dharma
International (SDI)
Accepting applications NOW.
April 11 – April 30, 2022

Sikh Dharma Education International (SDEI)
Under construction.
Dates to be determined

Happy, Healthy and Holy Europe (3HO Europe)
Under construction.
Dates to be determined

Legacy of Yogi Bhajan Foundation (LYF)
Under construction.
Dates to be determined
Serve on our For Profit Board
Below please find the job description and application for board members for each of our for profit organizations.
If you feel called to serve on one of our for profit boards click on the button under each one to learn more.

Khalsa International Industries & Trade (KIIT)
Under construction.
Application process is now closed.